
I have been told that I live a charmed life.  My world is strange and magical.   The  approach that I take to countless situations in life, has almost always been different from what most people would choose.  This asymmetric approach has, at times, been unconscious and at other times forced.  It has led to a life of adventure and discovery, mysticism and romance, laughter and tears.  We create our own luck and our own experiences.  This is a blog about how to make the myths, as Jim Morrison would say.  For the reader, on these pages I will open up about a great number of topics that I am passionate about including:  travel, synchronicity, soul mates, art, music, dreams, maximizing personal potential, happiness, metaphysics, conspiracy, food,  health, and the interconnectedness of it all.

I select a very small number of things to be skeptical about, such as markets, and on these I am hypersceptic. But I want to be fooled by randomness in art. I want the ceremonial of religion; we are made for it.  – Nassim Nicholas Taleb

